Downloading and indexing word database...

Trie Tree

The trie tree is a useful data-structure when looking for a particular key in a large data set of keys. Each traversed node in the Trie Tree will complete the key by one more char. This results in a very useful addition if one is interested in all other keys that share the same prefix as the target key. For example a search for the key "sun" will also return keys such as "sunbath, sunflower, sunday or sunglasses".

TrieTree = function()
    var _root = null;

    var _numEntries = 0;

    function findLastNodeForString( str )
        if( str == null || str.length == 0 )
            return null;

        var node = _root;

        const n = str.length;

        //go through every char of string
        for( var i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            //move node down each time
            if( node.down != null )
                node = node.down;
            //if node can't go down, and str hasn't been found yet, its not in the tree
                return null;

            //search the children lists for the correct path to follow
            while( str.charAt( i ) != node.glyph )
                //if the correct path hasn't been found str is not in tree
                if( == null )
                    return null;

                node =;

        return node;

    function recursiveList( node, str, result )
        while( node != null && node.glyph != "" )
            recursiveList( node.down, str + node.glyph, result );

            if( node.wordEnd )
                result.push( str + node.glyph );

            node =;
    } = function( words )
        var n = words.length;

        for( var i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            this.insert( words[ i ] );

    this.insert = function( str )
        //remove punctuation and special characters
        str = str.toLowerCase().replace( /[^a-zA-Z äöüÄÖÜß 0-9]+/gi, "" ).replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );

        if( str.length == 0 )

        var level = 0;

        if( _root == null )
            _root = new TrieTreeNode( "", level );

        var node = _root;
        var nextNode = _root;
        var parentNode = _root;

        var index = 0;

        // loop until every char in str is inserted
        while( index < str.length )

            var glyph = str.charAt( index );

            // there are no chars on this tree level yet. create a new node with given char
            if( node.down == null )
                node.down = new TrieTreeNode( glyph, level );

                //this will make a lot of null check obsolete
       = new TrieTreeNode( "", level );
       = node;

                node = node.down;
            // No chars on this tree level yet, insert it at right position or ignore if this char already exists
                parentNode = node;
                node = node.down;

                // char has smallest value, so prepend before existing ones
                if( glyph < node.glyph )
                    node = new TrieTreeNode( glyph, level, node );
                    parentNode.down = node;
                // find correct place where to append char
                else if( glyph > node.glyph )
                    // find the correct position to insert char based on alphabetical order
                    while( node.glyph != "" && glyph > node.glyph )
                        nextNode = node;
                        node =;

                    // this char does not exist yet, so append it
                    if( glyph != node.glyph )
                        node = new TrieTreeNode( glyph, level, node );
               = node;


        if( node.wordEnd != true )
            //at this point it will always be at the start of a word
            node.wordEnd = true;

            //console.log( "ignoring insert as " + str + " already exists" );

    this.has = function( str )
        return ( findLastNodeForString( str ) != null );

    this.list = function()
        var result = [];

        if( _root == null )
            return result;

        recursiveList( _root.down, "", result );

        return result;

    this.find = function( str )
        str = str.toLowerCase();

        var result = [];

        var node = findLastNodeForString( str );

        // nothing found
        if( node == null )
            return result;

        if( node.wordEnd )
            result.push( str );

        //populate result list with all words of which str is prefix
        recursiveList( node.down, str, result );

        return result;

    this.empty = function()
        _root = null;

        _numEntries = 0;

function TrieTreeNode( glyph, level, next )
    this.glyph = glyph || "";
    this.level = level; = next || null;
    this.wordEnd = false;
    this.down = null;